The Blog

Champion City Kings

June 1st Christ Church members and friends will cheer on the Champion City Kings during their home opener at 6:30 pm at Carleton Davidson Stadium. Tickets are $5 per person. Please let Rev. Maggie know how many tickets you want on or before Tuesday, May 28th(

Summer of Fun 2019

Summer 2019 Flyer


For further details contact Rev. Maggie Leidheiser-Stoddard at

March 10, 2019

please specify correct url


Taize Service

Taizé Service:  at 5 pm

The next Taizé service will be held at First Baptist Church on Sunday, January 12th at 5 pm.   Taizé is a quiet, peaceful service of readings, songs, prayers, and candlelight. The name Taizé comes from an ecumenical religious community in France. After WWII, young adults from all over Europe flocked to it, looking for healing and reconciliation. To help these people of many different languages worship together, the monks of Taizé wrote simple, beautiful, moving chants, which are easily learned. Taizé continues to be a pilgrimage destination for young people—now from all over the world— and their simple, quiet worship is held all over the world, as well.


Follow Taize on facebook. com/pg/Springfield-Taize

Please Join the Interfaith Youth Alliance group on Saturday, June 16th at 9:30 am at City Hall Plaza for the third annual Interfaith Peace Walk.

Palm Sunday

On this first day of Holy Week, we will shout “Hosanna!” as we welcome our Savior into Jerusalem with palms and praises.

Easter Sunday

On this holiest day of the Christian year, we rejoice at Christ’s victory over the powers of death with a quiet Rite I Service with Holy Eucharist at 8 am and a festive Rite II service with the choir and Brass at 10 am.

Christ Church will have a combined 9 am Service

Please join us for combined 9 am service on Sunday, February 11, 2018 followed by the 184th Annual Meeting of Christ Episcopal Church . A light brunch will be served sponsored by Vestry. All members of Christ Church are asked to be present for this once-a-year meeting.