
Helping to meet the physical, material, social and spiritual needs in Springfield and beyond

Food Pantry

The Christ Church Food Pantry partners with Covenant Presbyterian Church to host a food pantry the third Wednesday of each month from 10 am until noon. The pantry is funded solely by contributions. Most of the items distributed by our pantry are obtained through Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign, and Logan County and are either free or cost very little, helping keep our total expenses down. We strive to meet the needs of our clients and continue to encourage others to use our available resources.

The Food Pantry has many volunteer opportunities. On the first Wednesday of each month starting at 8:30 am until about 10:15 am we need volunteers to help unload the boxes from a pallet and load them onto a cart and take the food to the church basement. On the third Wednesday of each month starting at 8 am until noon there are various jobs to volunteer for including distribution, bagging groceries, breaking down cardboard, and loading food into the client’s vehicles.

Rainbow Table

January and August are Christ Church months to serve lunch at St. John’s Lutheran Church each Friday. There are two shifts. The first shift prepares the meal and sets up from 9 AM to 11 AM. The second shift comes in at 11:30 AM to serve and clean up, finishing at 1:30 PM.  There is a sign-up sheet posted on the kiosk in the East Entrance.

The Promise Neighborhood Christmas Store

The Promise Neighborhood Christmas Store continues its work of providing affordable gifts to families in a high-needs community. Christ Church provides the Clifton Ave. Church of God (1408 Clifton Ave.) with a bountiful of new toys, which were made available at a reduced cost to residents of the Promise Neighborhood in the weeks leading up to the holiday.