
Offering meaningful, relevant, and welcoming worship in the Episcopal tradition for people of all ages

Christ Church's in-person Rite I Holy Eucharist Worship service is at 8 am. Christ Church's in-person Rite II Holy Eucharist Worship Service with music is at 10 am; this service is live-streamed on Facebook. The Christ Church Facebook link is found at the bottom of the home page of this website.


Serving as an usher for Christ Church is another great way to help bring the Ministry of the Church to the community, and we would welcome any members to consider joining one of the teams. Besides welcoming everyone to our services, our duties include insuring the service runs smoothly (ringing the bell is the most fun), handing out the service leaflets, taking up the collection, assisting with Communion and any special needs that arise. Ushers are also on call for special services throughout the year.



We are all greeters in the name of Christ as we introduce ourselves to someone we don’t know and make visitors feel welcome. In addition, before the 10 am service assigned volunteers greet everyone as they enter the building, introduce themselves to visitors and provide assistance as needed. Greeters find that it’s also a great way to meet other parishioners as well as newcomers. It only takes 30 minutes of your time. We would love to have you join this simple yet meaningful ministry!



Acolytes are in 4th grade or older, already follow the worship service, can follow directions, and are willing to learn new things. The acolytes work in four teams and serve every four weeks and for special services as needed and available.



The tellers of Christ Church serve week after week immediately after the 10am service to start processing the plate offerings. Tellers have an easy to follow form to tally up the offering, make copies of the checks and always works with a partner. If you would like more details about this ministry, please contact the church office.


Chalice Bearers

Chalice bearers are scheduled to serve at both services on Sunday and at all special services that include Holy Eucharist.  We currently have 3 chalice bearers serving at 8 o’clock. We have 5 chalice bearers at 10 o’clock.  This ministry requires attention to the detail of the worship service, an understanding that what is being served is consecrated and contains the Real Presence of Christ, and a steady hand.  To be a chalice bearer, please contact the Rector.


Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Our Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) take communion to our homebound parishioners once a month. Each LEV has one or two people to visit each month with the bread and wine that was blessed on the prior Sunday. This ministry helps our homebound parishioners feel more connected to the church as well as making sure that they, too, are nourished with the body and blood of Christ. Chalice Bearers Chalice bearers are scheduled to serve at both services on Sunday and at all special services that include Holy Eucharist. This ministry requires attention to the detail of the worship service, an understanding that what is being served is consecrated and contains the Real Presence of Christ, and a steady hand.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is made up of 4 teams of ladies (men can also participate) that work on Saturday getting the chancel area ready for Sunday worship. By giving an hour of time on Saturday morning and helping out during the Sunday service, you will have a direct impact on the way we worship as Episcopalians at Christ Church!