Worship at Christ Church

Watch online

You can watch of livestream of our 10 am service on YouTube at this link. Videos of previous services are also posted here.

Sunday service bulletins

Download a copy of the service bulletin by clicking on the links below.

8 am service bulletins

March 16th 8am

March 9th 8am

March 2nd 8am

Thursday Online Noonday Prayer Service

Parishioner Judy Johnson offers a Thursday Noonday Prayer Service on Christ Church’s Facebook page at noon. Click the Facebook link to watch the video or simply look at the home page on the Facebook feed. The Noonday Prayer service’s text is located on page 103 in the Book of Common Prayer or online at bcponline.org.


Sacraments & Sacramental Rites

BAPTISM is a ritual of inclusion and belonging that indicates our desire to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. In the Episcopal Church, we baptize adults, children, and infants on the belief that God’s love extends to everyone, regardless of their age. Baptism almost always takes place during the Sunday Eucharist.

CONFIRMATION is the adult affirmation of our baptismal vows and commitment to Christ. There is no age requirement; the decision is determined by each individual as they are led by the Holy Spirit. Confirmation classes are normally planned in conjunction with the Regional Confirmation Ceremony conducted by the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio and usually takes place in the spring.

RECEPTION is reserved for those who have already been confirmed in another denomination. This is a way of recognizing and honoring those who have made a mature confession of faith and welcoming them into the Episcopal Church fellowship. They are also presented to the Bishop during the confirmation ceremony.

REAFFIRMATION is for people who are already confirmed in the Episcopal Church but are presented to the Bishop during the Confirmation service to “reaffirm” their Christian vows. These may be people who have been away from the Church for some time and want to make a new beginning; others may sense that they are at a new stage in their spiritual lives and want to affirm this.

WEDDINGS: Our covenantal life with God is expressed in relationships of commitment and faithfulness, including those of same-sex couples. It is the Church’s joy to celebrate relationships as signs of God’s love, to pray for God’s grace to support couples in their life together, and to join with these couples in our shared witness to the gospel in the world.

THE COLUMBARIUM NICHES at Christ Church are available for “present or past communicants of CEC and members of their immediate families, members of the larger Episcopal Church, and any other persons who may be approved by the Vestry.” Services provided include the niche, the urn, the memorial plaque, and perpetual care in a lovely setting. Our clergy can provide a short inurnment service if desired. If a loved one has died, please contact our Parish Administrator/Program Coordinator so clergy can provide pastoral care and assist in planning for the funeral.